Our mission is to increase access to trauma-informed mental health services through training, partnerships, and trauma therapy. 


Therapy Services & Classes


Individual Trauma Therapy

At our office in Fort Collins, Colorado (and via telehealth throughout Colorado) we work to create access to the latest trauma treatment modalities. We believe in empowering clients with neuroscience-informed psychoeducation so that they can be experts in their own mental health and view their symptoms as adaptations to stress and trauma over their lifespan, rather than a diagnosis.

Our therapy team members have training in evidence-based treatments for anxiety, depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder, complex trauma & dissociative disorders, anger issues, abuse recovery, and grief.

Call 970-200-8575 for more information and scheduling


Therapy Groups

Group therapy options are often more effective and more affordable than individual therapy. Therapy groups at Hope Roots will typically have 4-8 participants and meet in-person at our offices - specifically in our group space called The Lotus Room (unless specified as telehealth or hybrid). Most groups require a commitment, are covered by Medicaid, and are offered on a sliding scale to private-pay clients. To inquire about a group, please call 970-200-8575 or email intake@hoperoots.org

Upcoming Group options:

  • Trauma Therapy Preparation Intensive - a 2-day intensive to learn & practice the skills needed to begin more intensive trauma therapy (such as EMDR therapy or Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy)

    • May 9th & 10th, 2025; 9:00am - 3:00pm each day; in-person; Fort Collins, CO

    • Facilitated by: Sarah Joseph, LPC, NCC, Director & Trauma Therapist (click here to read bio)

  • Parts of Me is an opportunity to learn the framework of Internal Family Systems (IFS)/parts work through a group therapy lens. Participants are invited to explore their internal world, be with parts of themselves, and build relationships with their various parts through art, nonviolent communication, movement, and mindfulness activities.

    Day/Time: Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30pm

    Dates: April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

    Facilitated by: Master’s Level Therapy Interns Alex Bodie, BA and Shelby Zimmerman, BS (click here to read bios)

  • Mindful Movement is a body-centered group focused on movement as a mechanism for space creation within our nervous system. Participants can count on a container of consistency: 15 minutes opening for tune-ins to learn what’s present for each of us, 45 minutes of movement invitations, 15 minutes closing for processing what’s arrived during session.

    • Day/Time: Thursdays from 3:00-4:15pm

      Facilitated by: Alex Bodie, BA, MSW Therapy Intern (click here to read bio)

  • Trauma Therapy Integration & Processing Group - This is a process group for existing clients who are already doing deeper trauma work. It’s place to continue practicing therapy skills together and to process their trauma recovery journey. It’s ideal for clients who are doing EMDR Therapy and/or Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy. This group was created at the request of our Yoga for Trauma Therapy Group Intensive participants, who wanted to continue with group experience after the 2-day intensive - the group is open to anyone who has completed the group intensive (they need not be an existing client of this practice to join).

    • These groups are currently closed and will re-open again later in 2025

  • Mind Skills Group - This therapy group is designed to make mindfulness skills and meditation more neuro-affirming and trauma-sensitive. The group will cultivate a community for individuals who may be dealing with ADHD symptoms, trauma, anxiety, stress, and chronic health issues. The group facilitator(s) will use psychoeducation about the brain and nervous system to reduce negative self-talk related to becoming more mindful and attuned.

    • If you’re interested in this group, please email intake@hoperoots.org to learn more

  • Release & Replenish: Group EMDR therapy for therapists, first responders, and law enforcement (2 Hours; time/date TBD)


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga & Wellness Classes

Our small-group classes focus on moving, breathing, stretching, strengthening, and resting with awareness, and using these practices as a way to reconnect with ourselves in the present moment. Using a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY) approach, this class provides an opportunity for us to safely explore the connection to the body, making choices with shape and movement in the body, and cultivating curiosity about physical sensations of being in the here and now. These classes will move at a gentle pace and no yoga experience is necessary. This class is ideal for anyone needing to recover from day-to-day stress as well as for those who may be dealing with anxiety or trauma symptoms.

Upcoming Classes:

Trauma-Informed Yoga & Meditation - TBD

Trauma-Informed Yoga Nidra (Guided Medication for Relaxation) - Day/Time TBD


Henna for Hope

The Henna for Hope Campaign inspires hope that the imprint of trauma will fade away, leaving survivors ready for new ways of responding to stress. Funds raised through Henna for Hope are used to further the Hope Roots mission to increase access to trauma-informed mental health services. Ultimately, we want to see the end of cycles of violence and injustice through trauma healing.

The Henna for Hope campaign is part of how we inspire others to join in that vision - by raising awareness about trauma & trauma healing modalities and raising funds that will increase access to trauma therapy for those who need it most.


Help us end cycles of violence and injustice through trauma healing.

In 2025, we plan to add more therapy team staff, offer more group therapy, and expand Neurofeedback Therapy services, & Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy in NoCo.

We are looking for Corporate & Individual Donors, board Members, and more therapy team members to help us meet these goals.


Upcoming Training Offerings

Assessing Dissociation with Dorinna Ruh

A Free One-Hour Discussion with Dorinna Ruh, LCSW on November 9th, 2023 at 9am MST

Discovering a client’s dissociative disorder is the first step toward their receiving proper treatment. Yet many of us do not get adequate training regarding dissociation, specifically how to assess it. As a result, it takes between 5 - 12 years for someone in therapy to get diagnosed with a dissociative disorder (Brand BL, Loewenstein RJ, Spiegel D. Dispelling myths about dissociative identity disorder treatment: an empirically based approach. Psychiatry. 2014 Summer;77(2):169-89).

Dorinna Ruh has taught advanced EMDR Therapy skills since 2010 as an EMDRIA-approved consultant and specializes in dissociative disorders. Learn more about Dorinna’s work at https://advanced-emdr-education.com/

In this free training call, Dorinna will review dissociation assessment for therapists who want to ensure they have the basic skills needed to identify clients who may have a dissociative disorder. No CEUs will be given.


Trauma Therapists' Book Club

If you are a trauma therapist looking for more community and more learning, please join us for a monthly book club. We gather via Zoom on the 2nd Friday of each month at noon MST. We use email polls to collect and vote on ideas for the next book. Sometimes we take 2-3 months to cover one book so we can get the best out of it! We also occasionally plan in-person gatherings in Northern Colorado.