Before mental health professionals and other trauma-informed providers can help Give Hope, it’s important for them to also Deepen their Roots. The long journey of providing support to others can leave those attending to mental health needs with their own wounds. Compassion fatigue, burnout, or vicarious trauma are experienced by mental health professionals and non-professionals alike. Creating access to care for trauma survivors means supporting their caregivers as well. 

That’s why Hope Roots is committed to providing quality training opportunities that create access to tools and resources for tending to the needs of providers and deepening their knowledge of trauma therapy. We offer in-person trainings in Northern Colorado, and most workshops can be conducted on-site in your company or organization’s location or via online classes allowing you to access our tools from anywhere in the world.


Trauma Therapy Preparation Workshop

In-person format; 2-days

In this immersive workshop, yoga philosophy and mindful movement will be used to learn & practice the skills needed to prepare clients for more intensive trauma therapy (such as EMDR therapy or Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy). The learning focuses on understanding the connection between trauma and the body’s response, the basics of yoga psychology, and how to help clients cultivate the awareness and calm needed to do deeper emotional healing. The movement portions (asana) of this workshop will not be like a typical “yoga class”, but more akin to mindful movement where individuals focus on following their own inner cues, rather than an instructor. Each session will involve some didactic teaching from yoga psychology, easy mindful movement, and/or a guided meditation to help with trauma therapy (such as calm state imagery or ideal guardian imagery), & time to discuss with other trauma professionals. Handouts (including reproducible handouts for clients) will be provided.

Note: This workshop is only for trauma professionals and helpers seeking professional development and skills, not for those seeking therapy. If you are looking for group therapy or an intensive for your own healing, please click here.


Assessing Dissociation

Free 1-Hour Virtual Discussion - Nov 9th 2023 @ 9 am

A Free One-Hour Discussion with Dorinna Ruh, LCSW on November 9th, 2023 at 9am MST

Discovering a client’s dissociative disorder is the first step toward their receiving proper treatment. Yet many of us do not get adequate training regarding dissociation, specifically how to assess it. As a result, it takes between 5 - 12 years for someone in therapy to get diagnosed with a dissociative disorder (Brand BL, Loewenstein RJ, Spiegel D. Dispelling myths about dissociative identity disorder treatment: an empirically based approach. Psychiatry. 2014 Summer;77(2):169-89).

Dorinna Ruh has taught advanced EMDR Therapy skills since 2010 as an EMDRIA-approved consultant and specializes in dissociative disorders. Learn more about Dorinna’s work at

In this free training call, Dorinna will review dissociation assessment for therapists who want to ensure they have the basic skills needed to identify clients who may have a dissociative disorder.

Note: No CEUs will be given.

Ahimsa: Navigating injustice, trauma, & anger with nonviolence

Online format; currently in development

Anger is our mind and body’s reaction to something wrong and is a common response to the injustice we suffer or see around us. Left unattended, it can lead to violence and a continuation of the cycles of injustice. This self-directed online course teaches the yogic ideals of non-violence and the philosophical underpinnings of its response to injustice, including how to be angry in a healthy non-violent way.


For reservations or information:

Click “Inquire” below to fill out a form letting us know how we can serve your organization, company, or group. We will work with you to customize the workshop or retreat for your needs.

If you are looking to register as an individual, please let us know so that we can contact you when opportunities become available. When workshops or retreats are scheduled for open booking, you will find that information on this page as well. If you inform us of your interest, we may be able to schedule a program with your availability in mind.